
Show Calendar
  Mid Rivers Saddle Club
2020 Show Bill
MRSC Logo  
Shows -  9:am on Saturday & Sunday - Arena B
National Equestrian Center
Email Johnell
Previous Page
Print Show Bill
April 4 & 5 May 9 & 10 June 13 & 14 July 11 & 12
Double Points
August 29 & 30
Double Points
Oct. 24 & 25  
  HALTER (Entries due 30 minutes prior to start)
1 MH :: Mare Halter
2 GH :: Gelding Halter
  GRH :: Grand & Reserve (Top 2 from Halter Classes)
3 WSMS ::  Walk Showmanship
4 BSMS ::  Beginner Showmanship
5 13SMS ::  Youth W/T Showmanship 13 & Under
6 18SMS :: Youth Showmanship 18 & Under
7 WTSMS :: 14 + Adult Walk Trot Showmanship
8 ASMS ::  Adult Showmanship
  -----10 Minute Break-----
9 WA :: All Age Walk - English/Western
10 WAHM :: All Age Walk Horsemanship/Equitation
  -----20 Minute Break----
Priority given to WT HUS riders
11 OWTH :: Open W/T HUS
12 BWTH :: Beginner  W/T HUS
13 13WTH :: Youth W/T HUS 13 & Under
14 18WTH :: Youth W/T HUS 18 & Under
15 WTHUS :: 14 + Adult Walk Trot HUS
16 AWTH ::  Adult  W/T HUS
17 OHUS ::  Open HUS
18 BHUS ::  Beginner HUS
19 HUS :: Youth 18 & Under
20 AHUS ::  Adult  HUS
  ---20 Minute Break —
Priority given to EQ riders
21 OWTEQ :: Open Walk Trot HUS Equitation
22 BWTE ::  Beginner W/T HUS Equitation
23 13WTEQ :: Youth W/T HUS Equitation 13 & Under
24 18EQ ::  Youth HUS Equitation 18 & Under
25 WTEQ -14+ Adult WT HUS Equita/on
26 AEQ :: Adult HUS Equitation
 ----20 Minute Break-----
Priority given to Western WT riders

27 LL :: Lead Line  - English or Western 7 & Under
28 SP :: No Specialty Class
29 BWWT :: Beginner Western W/T
30 13WWT :: Youth Western W/T 13 & Under
31 18WWT :: Youth Western W/T 18 & Under
32 WT :: 14+Adult WT
33 AWWT :: Adult Western W/T
34 SWWT50 :: Select Open Western W/T 50 & Over
35 JROWWT :: Jr. Horse Open Western W/T
36 SROWWT :: Sr. Horse Open Western W/T
37 OWP :: Open Western Pleasure
38 BWP :: Beginner Western Pleasure
39 013WP :: Open 13 & Under Western Pleasure
40 18WP :: Youth Western Pleasure 18 & Under
41 AWP :: Adult  Western Pleasure
42 JROWP :: Jr. Horse Open Western Pleasure
43 SROWP :: Sr. Horse Open Western Pleasure
  -----20 Minute Break----
Priority given to Horsemanship riders
44 OWTHM :: Open Walk Trot Horsemanship
45 BWTHM :: Beginner W/T Horsemanship
46 13WTHM :: Youth W/T Horsemanship 13 & Under
47 18HM :: Youth Horsemanship 18 & Under
48 WTHM :: 14+ Adult WT Horsemanship
49 AHM :: Adult Horsemanship
----10 Minute Break ~~ Trail setup----
50 OWTTRL :: Open Walk Trot Trail - Saturday Only
51 BTRL :: Beginner W/T Trail
52 13TRL :: Youth W/T Trail 13 & Under
53 OTRL :: Open Trail 
54 18TRL :: Youth Trail 18 & Under
55 WTTRL :: 14 + Adult WT Trail
56 ATRL :: Adult Trail

Information below is subject to change to ongoing/developing  virus regulations

To reserve stalls email :: stalls@midriverssaddleclub.com
Please register online for your classes :: midriverssaddleclub.com
Show Fees for MRSC members & Weekend members:
$7 entry fee per class & fun class
$10 entry fee per specialty class

$5 Office Fee per day/$10 per Weekend

$60 weekend stall rental / shavings $9 each - 2 bag minimum from NEC

Visit us online at: www.midriverssaddleclub.com
$15 One Time Weekend Membership Fee
MRSC being a 501(c)(7) social club has restrictions on
non-member income. Accordingly if this is your first time riding with the club you may purchase a “one time weekend membership” of $15.00

(will start 10 minutes before start of show)

Division/Class ClarificaAon

*  Lead Line – Riders age 7 & under as of January 1st of current year. Handler must be age 16 or over. Riders may not cross enter into any other classes except for Halter and specialty classes, as applicable. Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 27, and 28 (if age appropriate).

*  Walk – Riders any age. Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 28 (if age appropriate). Entry into the Walk Classes and Halter will not effect Beginner eligibility if rider does mot cross enter into other divisions. Riders are eligible to cross enter into Beginner, Youth 13 & Under, Youth 18 & Under and Adult Divisions.

*  Youth 13 & Under Walk Trot – Riders age 13 and under only as of January 1st of current year. Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 5, 11, 13, 17, 21, 23, 28, 30, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 50, 52. Riders are eligible to cross enter into Youth 18 & Under and Beginner (if meets Beginner requirements) Divisions.

*  Youth 14 + Adult Walk Trot – Riders age 14 and over as of January 1st of current year. Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 7, 11, 15, 17, 21, 25, 28, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 53, 55. Riders are eligible to cross enter into Youth 18 & Under, Adult and Beginner (if meets Beginner requirements) Divisions. Excludes crossing into Leadline and Walk.

*  Youth 18 & Under- Riders age 18 & under as of January 1st of current year. Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 6, 11, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 28, 31, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 53, 54. Riders are eligible to cross enter into Youth 14+ Adult Walk Trot and Beginner (if meets Beginner requirements) Divisions. Excludes crossing into Leadline and Walk.

*  Adult – Riders age 19 & over as of January 1st of current year. Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 8, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 26, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 50, 53, 56. Riders are eligible to cross enter into Youth 14+ Adult Walk Trot and Beginner (if meets Beginner requirements) Divisions. Excludes crossing into Leadline and Walk.

*  Beginner – Rider of any age who’s showing experience as of January 1st of current year is limited to 20 accumula/ve life/me MRSC, breed, discipline (or in any combina/on) shows. Once the Year End Beginner High Point or Reserve High Point has been won, rider is no longer eligible to ride in the Beginner Division. Rider must complete Affidavit for Beginner Division and be approved by Board/Officers. Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 4, 11, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 53. Riders are eligible to cross enter into Youth 13 & Under, Youth 18 & Over, Youth 14+ Adult Walk Trot and Beginner (if meets Beginner requirements) Divisions. Excludes crossing into Leadline and Walk.

*  Open – Any age rider. Open riders may enter all other division eligible classes . Eligible show classes: 1, 2, 11, 17, 21, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 50, 53.

*  Junior Horse – Horse must be 5 years or under. Proof of age may be required at registra/on (show open class 35, 42).

*  Senior Horse – Horse must be 6 years or older. Proof of age may be required at registra/on (show open class 36, 43).

*  Select Rider – Any rider age 50 and over (show open class 34).

*  Grand and Reserve Halter – will apply to the top 2 horses in Mare and Gelding Halter. Top 2 will automa/cally be entered into this class. No entry fee required for Grand and Reserve Halter.

*Note: Open Classes and Open 13 & Under Western Pleasure, excluding halter, do not count towards year end or day of show division high point awards, please see website for Year End Clarifica0on.
General Rules

1. As a 501c7 Social Club there are restric/ons on the amount of non-member income. “One /me Weekend Membership Fee” created to allow poten/al new members to show and see how they like MRSC. The membership has no vo/ng or nomina/on privileges—however riders are eligible for Weekend High Point & Reserve awards. If returning must upgrade to full single or family membership.

2. All rules will be posted at the registra/on desk and followed as per the MRSC bylaws and rule book and will be strictly enforced to ensure fairness to all.

 3. Per Missouri State Law: Nega/ve Coggins papers are required on all horses.

 4. No Stallions Allowed .

5. Stock/Hunter Type Horses Only– Quarter Horse, Paint, Appaloosa, Mustang, Thoroughbred, Warmblood, Stock type Pony min height 13.2. See detailed definiAon of stock horse type on MRSC website.

 6. All exhibitors must sign a release of liability form which must be on file at the registraAon desk before parAcipaAng in show. For those under the age of 18, the form must be signed by a parent /guardian.

 7. To be eligible for year-end awards, each rider must purchase a full MRSC membership and must obtain the required nomina/on per horse and rider combina /on prior to accumula/ng points. Points earned before membership/nomina/on is paid will not count towards year end awards. See Bylaws for details.

 8. First through sixth place ribbons given in all classes

9. Tack changes between classes will be given 2 minutes. All tack changes must be declared at registra/on.

10. Proper aGre is required for each class—English or Western. MRSC strongly recommends the use of protec/ve gear.

11. Two-handing in Western classes with a shank bit is an automa/c disqualifica/on. However, two-handing is allowed with a snaffle bit or bosal on a junior horse, ages 2 to 5 years old.

12. MRSC has the right to disqualify any exhibitor or horse. If at any /me a handler or rider cannot control their horse, they should remove themselves from the compe//on or MRSC will ask them to leave the arena and/or showing area.

13. Exhibitors and/or owner may be ejected for poor sportsmanship.

14. No loud or disrup/ve coaching is allowed to a contestant/rider compe/ng in a class. Loud or excessive coaching can lead to disqualifica/on of the contestant/ rider.

15. An equine professional will not be responsible for accidents or injuries to any exhibitor or horse.

16. Judge’s decision is final. Protests must be made in wri/ng the day of the show and must be accompanied by a $25 fee. The fee will only be refunded if the show commiLee approves the protest.

17. No smoking allowed at the Na/onal Equestrian Center.

18. MRSC is not responsible for any awards not picked up the day of the show.

19. Posted Dated Checks not allowed. Checks must be dated no later than last day of show.